Though my previous post on the haiku cherishes the dream of being in a state of No Contradiction, I know the impossibility of it. The state of being in Contradictions is the reality and is the only way to realize freedom - although it is a form of slavery accepted with pleasure and a smile. Contradictions offer options to choose from, puts me into a good fight, helps me introspect and to know myself. The more I contradict, the more I evolve!

love these lines man.
" Contradictions offer options to choose from, puts me into a good fight, helps me introspect and to know myself. The more I contradict, the more I evolve!"
its really cool
but pls help this poor soul to get more out of these lines
"The state of being in Contradictions is the only way to realize freedom - although it is a form of slavery accepted with pleasure and a smile."
Ok. I think I confused the phrase here. I mean that, freedom is a kind of slavery accepted with pleasure and a smile. Have you ever felt/acted complete freedom, without being forced upon by any external force? I have never tasted it.
I have no idea about spellings in Tamil.. so just get the concept..forget the details :)
முரண்பாடுகளை பிரித்து பார்..
முரணாக அவைகளை சிந்தித்தும் பார்...
முரண்பாடுகள் நம் கால்-சுவடுகளே..,
சுவடுகளை சீராக வைத்துப் பார்..
முரண்பாடுகள் சீராகுவதைப் ரசித்துப் பார்.
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